Monday, December 1, 2008

An Isaiah 64:1 Advent Litany

Leader: Awesome and mighty God, you promised long ago to visit us in human form. Prophets and seers foretold your coming to a world heedless and uncaring. We marvel at the quietness and simplicity of the incarnation, We stand in awe of your choice of the right time -- the fullness of time -- for being born to us; for growing up with such amazing love for all of us; for going all the way to the Cross for us; and for pursuing us still, relentlessly, with your offer of redemption. O God, you come to us daily, in season and out of season, invited or unasked. As your people, we pray as did the prophet of old, Oh that you would rend the heavens …

People: And come down, O Lord!

Leader: Come to us, helping us to recognize you in the midst of our cluttered lives that the comfort and the warning of your Presence may not be wasted on us. Oh, that you would rend the heavens …

People: And come down, O Lord!

Leader: Come to us with rebuke if we have been unresponsive or irresponsible, if we have treated important obligations lightly or fulfilled our ministry to a world in pain with callous indifference. Oh that you would rend the heavens …

People: And come down, O Lord!

Leader: Come to us with healing when we are afflicted with illness or our loved ones are walking through the valley of the shadow of death. Help us to fear no evil. Come to us with consolation when we are grieving. Oh that you would rend the heavens …

People: And come down, O Lord!

Leader: Come to us and sustain us when our faith is tested, when our future seems uncertain, when and if we feel the pain of loneliness. Oh that you would rend the heavens …

People: And come down, O Lord!

Leader: Come to us, fulfilling your promise through the prophet Isaiah that when we pass through the water you, O Lord will be with us, and when we pass through the rivers they will not overflow us, and when we pass through the fire we shall not be burned. Oh that you would rend the heavens …

People: And come down, O Lord!

Leader: Come to us when we’re lacking discernment and fill us with the spirit of wisdom and understanding; come to us when we’re weak and hesitant and fill us with the spirit of counsel and of power; come to us when we’re lost our vision of you and fill us with the spirit of the knowledge and fear of the Lord. Oh that you would rend the heavens …

People: And come down, O Lord.

Leader: And come to us, as a child who is born, a son who is given, as one who is called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Oh that you would rend the heavens …

People: And come down, O Lord!


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