Saturday, November 21, 2009

Bad to Better

Everybody knows they are inevitable. Bad days happen to everyone. For once, maybe you'd like to think about some things you can do to make them better. So, here goes.

1. Play with a child. I dare you.

2. Give someone a compliment. Not a fake one, either. But take the time to see something that someone else is doing well.

3. Sing in your car. Even if you don't think you can carry a tune in the bucket. Well, remember you're not singing in the bucket - you're singing in your car. And sing as loud as you can. Have you ever noticed how hard it is to frown while you are singing? If you don't like singing in the car, try singing in the shower. It always sounds good - if not better.

4. Read Philippians 4. That happens to be in the Good Book - the Holy Bible. And while you are at it, just think about where Paul, the writer, was while he was writing it. Hint: He was in prison.

5. Bake your favorite kind of cookies. Then eat some. Nobody will know the difference.

6. Count your blessings. I mean it. Start a list of all the things you are thankful for. Write until you can’t write anymore. Staple it to the wall. Or tape it to the refrigerator.

7. Watch people. Go find a crowded public area, anywhere, and then sit down and watch. Allow yourself to wonder what he ate for breakfast, or what her name is, or where he bought that shirt.

8. Do something for someone you love. Do the dishes for your wife, take your niece out for ice cream, take your mom to Starbucks for a coffee.

9. Pray. It’s #9 on the list because you expected it to be #1. What could be more encouraging than talking to the Creator of the universe?

10. Think of the most encouraging person you know and call them. But don’t complain. Refrain from telling them how bad your day is and focus on making their day better.

11. Write a letter. A good old-fashioned paper and ink letter. Bonus: write it to someone who has impacted your life and thank them and let them know how much you appreciate their role or impact in your life. It might just surprise you what might happen.

12. Remember the truth. That God causes all things to work together for GOOD (Romans 8:28).

And after all this, it might be that your day will go from better to best. What a nice exchange for just a little bit of extra effort.

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