Friday, October 23, 2009

Every Second

This isn't about politics. It's about something way more important than politics. But it's good enough to read on.

Do you ever find yourself so busy that you can’t keep track of everything on your schedule? Have you ever said to yourself or to someone around you, “I just don’t have time to think about that right now!”?

Sometimes we get so involved and over-committed that we forget things. Forgetting to pick up your shirts from the cleaners isn’t that big a deal. Forgetting your spouse’s birthday would be a big deal. Now, so far I haven't forgotten my wife’s birthday. It’s inconceivable to me. In fact, I know that I can't afford to forget Valentine’s Day, either. That's the day we got married. I've been known to say that if I ever forget Valentine's Day, well, I might not wake up alive the next morning. Ever heard the phrase “Gone But Not Forgotten”? It’s not just for tombstones.

Just today, I looked at my Blackberry and considered everything in my schedule. Family stuff, work stuff, church stuff, time with friends, doctor appointment, church meetings, and on and on it goes.

I wondered out loud, “How does God do it? How does He keep track of everything in the universe?” I just have my tiny postage stamp corner of the world to take care of. God rides herd on the whole planet. Not to mention 6 billion busy people just like me.”

Obviously, God is God and because He is the Ultimate Everything He doesn’t need a Blackberry to organize His week. God’s omniscience and omnipresence are too big for me to get my brain around. Just for a minute, let’s break it down to something less mind blowing.

Are you wearing a watch today? If you are, chances are it has a quartz crystal inside. Were we able to see it, we would find that the quartz crystal in our watch vibrates at a speed of approximately 8 billion times per second. That’s 8 billion with a capital “beyond our absolutely”, as a dear friend of mine would say.

There are approximately 6 billion people on planet earth. If God were only able to think as fast as the quartz crystal in your watch, He would be able to think about you and every other person on earth at the same time, every second of every minute of every hour of every day.

With time to spare.

Psalm 121 says that our God “does not sleep nor does He slumber”. He is literally thinking about you every second of every minute of every day. This week while you’re using your Timex and your Blackberry or Palm Pilot to keep track of your schedule, remember that God is thinking about you every second of every minute. Everyday. Thoughts of love, grace, encouragement, forgiveness, kindness, hope and peace. God cares about the details of your life.

You might forget something this week. It happens. For your sake I hope it’s the shirts at the cleaners and not a birthday. Whatever you might forget, no worries. God will never forget about you.

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