Monday, September 21, 2009

A Little I've Lived and Learned - 1

When I first started this blog spot, not all that long after my 50th birthday, I posted some things I've learned. Well, I'm still learning. Seeing that I am now bumping very soon to my 51st birthday, I thought it might be time to add to that list. So here goes - for whatever it's worth to you.

The seventeenth century English clergyman Thomas Fuller wrote, "If you have knowledge, let others light their candle from it." I do think my candle burns with a lively flame. I invite you to light your candle from mine. By holding them together, we'll illuminate our own path as well as signal a direction for those who follow.

1. I've learned that the greatest challenge of life is to decide what is important and to disregard everything else.
2. I've learned that you shouldn't compare yourself to the best others can do, but to the best you can do.
3. I've learned that the best thing about growing older is that now I don't feel the need to impress anyone.
4. I've learned that education,experience, and memories are three things no one can take away from you.
5. I've learned that if your life is free of failure, you're probably not taking enough risks.
6. I've learned that how people treat me is more a reflection of how they see themselves than how they see me.
7. I've learned that you can't please some people, no matter what you do.
8. I've learned that if you wait until all conditions are perfect before you act, you'll never act.
9. I've learned that the best advice you can give anyone is, "Be kind."
10. I've learned you always find time to do the things you really want to do.
11. I've learned that you should fill your life with experiences, not excuses.
12. I've learned that there are some things I haven't made up my mind about yet.
13. I've learned that you never get rewarded for the things you intended to do.
14. I've learned that you shouldn't speak unless you can improve on the silence.
15. I've learned that I still have a lot to learn.

Oh yes, and one more: 16. I've learned that drinking a Diet Coke doesn't make up for the candy bar I enjoyed earlier.

Live and learn.

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