Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Don't Ever Give In!

Yes, I know just as much as you do. I see the same headlines you do: mortgage and credit crisis, Wall Street bear market and worse, stimulus package, health care reform, embryonic stem cell research, gun control, fairness doctrine.

Believe me, friend. Liberty, life, decency, and the fruits of our labor are all under assault, but eventually we become desensitized.

So, if you're someone reading this today, I say to you - don't let apathy or resignation kick in. Remember who you are: a free citizen of the American Republic, not a slave and worshiper of a liberal empire.

Protest. Resist. Think.

Keep fighting for your God-given rights. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

When an issue bugs you, don't just complain to your family; try to find some like-minded people and get out in the street with signs. Get some attention. Have a march or a rally. (Or a tea party.)

Also, don't forget to let the Republican Party know that in the next election, you want a real candidate to represent your values, not a moderate to appease the opposition.

Never give up! We are not at the end of things. There's more work to be done. Never give up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Still think you should run for office :) lm